5 Ways with your Home Art Studio

5 Ways with your Home Art Studio

Oh man. Sitting down to write this post feels intense. I just know how much thought I have put into this and I know this is going to be a thorough blog post. If you're a creative soul wanting to upgrade your space, here is my list of considerations for setting up your home creative space / art studio.
And and and... if you read to the end, I've got a little freebie waiting there for you 🙂
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Consideration 1: What will you do in your art studio?

Simple question you may think but if you break it down, there may be quite a few different activities that your art practice has you engaged in. I personally have: acrylic painting (vertical), watercolour painting (horizontal), teaching online, teaching in person, computer work (emails, website management), packaging, reflecting. Really the goal is to have the supplies and tools you need to do your work out on a table or somewhere easily accessible, rather than to have to constantly pull supplies out and then pack them away when you're done. So, if you know what you actually DO as part of your art practice, you will be able to think this through... and this will inform the choices you make when setting up your studio space.
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Consideration 2: Which area or room will you choose?

Your space will need to offer you privacy and also be of a size that suits what you do. If you work horizontally with small watercolours, you are likely to only need a small space but if you work vertically with huge canvases, you will need more room. The size of your work directly relates to the size of the studio space that you require. Your room will need to have either no windows or north-facing windows (if you live in the southern hemisphere).
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Consideration 3: What lighting should I use?

Natural light oddly enough is not ideal for art-making as it changes throughout the day and can affect how you percieve your colours. Instead, have some LED lighting installed above to produce a consistent, bright light - a rating of 90 Colour Rendering Index or more is ideal.
contemporary artists contemporary painters home renovation home improvement living room inspiration living room inspo home redecoration dream home

Consideration 4: What furniture is best?

Once you know the type of medium you work in and you know the zones you need, you can think about furniture! I love the idea of recycled or second-hand furniture especially when they are likely to be damaged by paint. Multipurpose furniture is best with maximum storage and on wheels if possible. You will need an artwork storage solution - either a trolley or a fixed custom-made unit. If you are handy with the tools or know someone who is, it isn't expensive to work up a custom canvas rack out of pine. Depending on your medium, you will want to think through whether or not you need a floor easel, a desk easel and/or a wall easel. Another perhaps frivolous inclusion is inspiration in the form of a pinboard, floral arrangement, dried foliage, photographs - whatever it is that inspires you!
contemporary artists contemporary painters home renovation home improvement living room inspiration living room inspo home redecoration dream home

Consideration 5: How can you be sure to LOVE this space?

So many art studio's look like messy garages with paint splashed about, massive tubs of paints, hard concrete floors. My own space is more homely with a colourful carpet underfoot, a big north-facing window and a beautiful table to work on. This space inspires me. Makes me feel comfortable. I WANT to spend time there. I WANT to be in my very own special art studio doing what I love. Ask yourself how you can make the space a space that you adore, that you WANT to be in?
With love,
P.S. As promised, here is your freebie! Get your guide for "5 Tips for Hanging Art Like a Pro" HERE.
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