Why Your Art Time Matters

Why Your Art Time Matters

Alrighty! It's time for some real talk.

If you're like most people who read my blog, chances are that you consider yourself creative and artistic. And if you're new around here, I should probably introduce myself. Hi! I'm Ros. I'm an artist and art educator hugely passionate about art, creativity and it's bigger purpose in your life as a creative being. 

Today, we're gonna chat about why your art time matters.

I'm not going to lecture you.

We're gonna workshop it instead! So here goes...

First up, let's look at your artistic bent in a brand new light by asking yourself: How do creative people access the joy, thrill, liberation and empowerment of artmaking, without prioritising art-making time in their life?

I've got some ideas on how you might have answered that question, but I'll leave you to your own thoughts.

You've probably guessed what I'm angling at. And, yes, it's that you art time matters. It matters more than you know.

Making art has WAY more of an impact than many people realise:

- Stress relief

- Wellbeing benefits

- Creative thinking

- Brain plasticity

- Critical thinking

- Inner critic awareness

- Confidence

- Self identity

- Self kindness

are those that are front of mind. But really the list could be extended. Comment below if you have experienced other hidden benefits.

For all these reasons, for all these perks, for all these hidden gems, making art is something which cannot be ignored when you are an artistic creature. If you were born with that passion, that urge to make things with your hands (and your mind). To impact the world through your work. To improve yourself through your own art practice, then this post is for you.


Keep that art flowing! And tag me on social media so I can see your creations! I'm www.instagram.com/ros.gervay.creative

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